The Last 600 Meters
2008; 90 minutes; high definition The Last 600 Meters, a 90-minute documentary, will look at the two biggest battles of the
2008; 90 minutes; high definition The Last 600 Meters, a 90-minute documentary, will look at the two biggest battles of the
JusticeThomasMovie.com Premiere national broadcast on PBS:May 18, 2020In select theaters January 31 – March 15, 20202 hours; high definition Although
Nationally broadcast on PBS December 9, 20142014; 2 hours; high definition Combative, provocative and searingly blunt, Admiral Hyman G. Rickover
Premier national broadcast on PBS: April 11, 20112011; 2 hours; high definition Richard Brookhiser returns as host for the second
Nationally broadcast on PBS June 22, 2003.60 minutes Across America, a new group of activist ministers is struggling with the
Nationally broadcast on PBS July 4, 2002. 90 minutes; high definition Rediscovering George Washington takes the two-dimensional man out of our
Nationally broadcast on PBS August 30, 2000. 90 minutes In September 1998, Newt Gingrich was one of the most powerful
Nationally broadcast on TCL February 27, 1999. 60 minutes The beating of Rodney King by four LAPD officers was a
1995; 60 minutes In private meetings and caucuses, as well as on the floor of Congress, we watch Newt Gingrich
1994; 55 minutes Movies with religious characters raise an issue that has bedeviled Hollywood time and time again: does the
Nationally broadcast on PBS September 28, 1993. 90 minutes What happens when “political correctness” comes in conflict with freedom of
Part One: The Democrats, 1960 to 1992Part Two: The Republicans, 1960 to 1992 Nationally broadcast on PBS October 16, and
1990; 60 minutes Nuclear fusion powers the sun and stars. On earth, fusion promises “safe, clean, and abundant” energy. Will
Nationally broadcast on PBS March 8, 1987.60 minutes Why are businessmen the “most convenient heavies” on prime time television dramas?
1981; 26 minutes Two young thugs, one black and one white, rob a fabric store in lower Manhattan. They tragically