The sun is powered by nuclear fusion

Fire From the Sun: The Search for Fusion Energy

1990; 60 minutes

Nuclear fusion powers the sun and stars. On earth, fusion promises “safe, clean, and abundant” energy. Will fusion energy ever live up to that promise or is it another technological pipe-dream? Hosted by E. G. Marshall.

Visually arresting and entertaining.
     — The Seattle Times

     • Cine “Golden Eagle”
     • Red Ribbon Award, American Film and Video Festival
     • Bronze Award, Worldfest Houston International Film

The sun is powered by nuclear fusion
The sun is powered by nuclear fusion
The sun is powered by nuclear fusionLasers zap pellets containing heavy hydrogen igniting a fusion reaction
The sun is powered by nuclear fusionLasers zap pellets containing heavy hydrogen igniting a fusion reaction
Hydrogen gas, hotter than the sun, is contained by powerful magnets in a Tokamak
Hydrogen gas, hotter than the sun, is contained by powerful magnets in a Tokamak