Eli Wallach, the distinguished actor, is the host of Hollywood's Favorite Heavy

Hollywood’s Favorite Heavy: Business Men on Prime TV

Nationally broadcast on PBS March 8, 1987.
60 minutes

Why are businessmen the “most convenient heavies” on prime time television dramas? Through clips from TV shows and interviews with some of TV’s most prominent writers, producers, and stars, this documentary examines the origins of the negative stereotype and its long-term effect on the viewing public. Hosted by Eli Wallach.

Juicy and provocative.
     —The New York Times

Cheers . . . a dandy little documentary.
     — TV Guide

     • Cine “Golden Eagle”
     • Bronze Award, Worldfest Houston International Film

Businessmen are a convenient villain in TV shows and movies
Businessmen are a convenient villain in TV shows and movies
Behind the scenes at a TV shoot
Behind the scenes at a TV shoot
Eli Wallach, the distinguished actor, is the host of Hollywood's Favorite Heavy
Eli Wallach, the distinguished actor, is the host of Hollywood’s Favorite Heavy